to draw red lines on yourself to show the world the anger or sadness you feel inside.
{Sharpie-Pain} I can't believe Chris would do that, I'm going to Sharpie-Pain my arms to show him how I feel.
by Miss Amber July 7, 2009
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huff a sharpie or to huff a sharpie means to fuck off. it was coined by some internet users and people, but the most famous example is in the song "we've got your back (documented minor emotional breakdown #2)" by indie pop band los campesinos!
person a: "dude, i've had enough. either stop acting stupid or go huff a sharpie !"
person b: "okay, i guess...."
by no, i think i will February 1, 2021
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loner,idiot,and one who is afraid to take risk. A true slag. Named for Matthew Sharp of Texas
by Michael Corleone February 26, 2005
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Shaky man who says izzle alot. Constanly speaks yto him self, so it seems, although he is on his cellular telephone. Wishes tyo be a police officer, however may be too shaky to hold a pistol, or even a baton, or even his own cock when masturbating. Enjoys eating the female genitalia aswell, and long walks on the beach
B.T. Sharpie you are a ladies man, walking on the beach eating the pussizzle my brozizzle.
by John Denver December 11, 2003
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A person who writes on there self 24/7
hey mom look what i wrote on my arm isn't it awseome

god billie stop being such a sharpie hoe
by ktandinstru. April 16, 2009
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A request to someone to admit they are wrong.

In reference to Donald Trump's infamous Sharpie mark-up of an outdated hurricane forecast map. Rather than apologize, Trump continued to lie about the hurricane risk to Alabama for days.
"Dude, just put down the Sharpie. You don't always have to be right. I'm sick of arguing about this."
by hodags1966 September 6, 2019
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One who sneaks an attack at the neck with a sharpie.

Though there are many ways to accomplish this a true Ninja will come from behind his target and assassinate him.
He must have gone Sharpie Ninja on the entire school because everyone I see has a fuckin' mark.
by Luke Loukas May 30, 2008
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