What you say when people ask you what you're into
Interviewer: So, William, we'll be interviewing many people for this position. Let's start off light...what are your hobbies and interests?

Slick Willy: I enjoy consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation
by mr.snruB October 7, 2010
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Me when I purposely spread misinformation on the internet
Me when I purposely spread misinformation on the internet
by Bum hole tickling bandet October 17, 2023
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This is a very serious question and it must be answered carefuly and gradualy.
First, let's see what is the ourpose of Einstein's theory of relativity. Well, it helps an astrophysicist to calculate the trajectory of a galaxy, because at such a large speeds an distances relativistic effects are very important. Than he earns some mony for his calculations, which he uses to buy a car and a flat, so he can get laid. In essence, Einstein's theory's purpose is to get laid.

Geometry of Lobachewsky is about curved space. It is useful for another astrophysicist, to calculate effects of passege of a small black hole next to our solar system, and its effects on our space-time. He will get some mony for his calculations from the agency he works for, so that he can buy a car and a flat, and get laid. In essence, geometry of Lobachewsky is used just to get laid.

And finnaly, let's see what is the burpose of calculus. Well, calculus studies behaviour of systems during some period of time depending on various variables. An engineer employed in hydroelectric power plant uses it to calculet the production of electricity, which depends on the rate of flow of the water through turbines, ammount of water in accumulation etc. It is impossible without calculus. Of course, our engineer won't do this just like that. He will earn money from company he works for, so that he can buy a car and a flat, where he can get laid. In essence, the purpose of calculus is getting laid.

If you want to now more about other scientific disciplines and their purposes contact us at newscientist@harvard.ma.us. But, sincerely, we suppose that you already now the answers.
Student: "What is the purpose of einstein's theory of relativity, lobachewsky geometry and calculus?"
Proffessor: "To get laid!"
by J.Z. - vukajlija April 24, 2009
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The dance of the vibrating of legs while thrusting them up and down along with your hands in an orange justice manner.
I did the Gods Purpose to show off to my mom at the school dance.
by Gסd September 27, 2018
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A girl(s) that satisfies other needs as well as sex
Went over there last night, shagged her, she cooked me dinner then let me copy her coursework, shes great multi-purpose-gash
by El Bark May 12, 2011
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