Psyche is the Greek goddess of the soul. She was born a mortal woman, with beauty that rivaled Aphrodite. Psyche is known from the story called The Golden Ass, written by Lucius Apuleius in the 2nd century.
"Psyche is such an underrated greek god, I wish that she would get more attention."

"Me too, me too."
by Europeiscool November 24, 2021
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A cheery, laid-back kind of music, supposedly derived from the much harsher genre of psyche (a punk subgenre), supposed to recreate the experience of hallucinogenic (psychadelic) drugs, though it has closer links to country. Mostly an extinct genre, popular during flower power.
The Free Design was a soft psyche group
by crabbadon February 26, 2006
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Like psychic, but removing the connotation that one is blessed with 'visions from God' and more like one who is in tune with the psyche/mind.

A person able to predict events based on human behavior/habits.
I'm not psychic, I'm psyche-ic...I just know what he's like, so I know what to expect.
by Ms.Pouncer May 29, 2013
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They might threaten me with a psych-eval or something...
by Sondafe February 3, 2018
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In the Late 60s and 70s, Christian Gospel and Rock bands began incorporating Psychedelic Influences in their music, creating a Sub-Genre "Christ-Psych" or Christian Psychedelic Rock. The Use is used in various different locations, Psychedelic Rock often Co-opted with Christian Imagery, Lyrics by (Not Always) Christian Bands.
Person 1: Hey, check out this band I found, It's like Christian Psychedelic Rock!
Person 2: Ah, Christ-Psych
by The Grand Fool of Foolishnesss December 27, 2022
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You have been tricked, backstabbed, and quite possibly bamboozled.

Often misspelled as Sike it's a term often used to signify sarcasm.
"Bro they said the math teacher is absent today! "
"Really!? "
by Phoenix Fire Truth June 16, 2020
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Psychs are attacks seen in The World Ends With You & it’s sequel, NEO: The World Ends With You, in the first game, certain people can use certain psychs (which in the case of Neku was most if not all of them), in NEO, all psychs can be used by all players, but each player can only use one psych at a time. Psychs can have multiple affinities and brands.
The starting Psychs in the first game are Pyrokinesis, Psychokinesis, Shockwave, Force Rounds, and Thunderbolt
by Baboiminion August 4, 2023
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