"I ate way too many peanuts last night and this morning my crap came out sideways and ripped up my Mud button."
by Norge April 8, 2005
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Derogatory and racist term for Black people. Often utilized by elderly white men when criticizing or ridiculing Black people.
Joe: "You see them suspicious black folk over there?"
Bob: "I see them alright. I can't stand those Mud possums!"
by The Kid Diddler January 12, 2023
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when you have so much fun that you wouldn't even notice if you were covered in shit.
"may we all be mud monsters."
by gamerprincess_68 September 28, 2021
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Müd(Daŵg-in) - verb (sport)

A recreational activity wherein one or more participants engage in driving through wet or muddy terrain, using mainly large off-road vehicles.

The sport version is played with 2 or more individuals/groups in competition to see which vehicle can be completely covered in mud.
"Hey, 'Bear'! Get ur 4x4 we're goin ' mud doggin'!"
by OpaqueIncandescence January 5, 2018
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When you're doing her in the butt and finish inside her and then she bends back and lets out a moan while spraying it back out.
Argh, last night I encountered yee a great mud whale
by Dark22Wolf March 21, 2018
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A white woman (typically bleached-blonde, overweight and trashy)who almost exclusivly dates black men.
We don't stand a chance here Dude, this place is full of mud sharks.
by Lamont October 29, 2003
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The baby of a mud shark. Name originates from the female being a mud shark, having one of many kids (usually from differant sharks) and the male skipping town when he finds out the fat white chick he impulsively banged is having a baby.

That mud shark gave birth to a mud skipper
by slicksal November 20, 2006
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