a white pussy zit you cant help but stare at on someones face.
that guys monster was so large I was embarrased that I could not stop looking at the thing,
by Pink Pop November 2, 2005
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A fat kid, that is abnormaly obese.
by big warren November 6, 2003
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A song by skillet that for some reason seems to perfectly define Naruto Shippuden, and to a lesser extent Bleach, and as a result has sparked dozens of AMV's (animated music videos) on youtube.
If you type in monster skillet amv you get 165 videos. Click one of those for an example you lazy slobs.
by Smohn Jith September 22, 2009
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A promotion on Party Poker that takes extra rake from cash games and puts it into the prize pool of a huge donkament to be held over Memorial Day Weekend of 2007. Whinging among cash game players is commonplace because of the money it is costing them. Donkeys like the Monster because donkeys like jackpots. Tournament players like the Monster because they are the recipients of all the free money from the cash game players. Despite threats to move to Pokerstars, traffic on Party Poker is as strong as ever.
50 cents of monster rake out of a 5 dollar pot in 100NL? That's insane. Why does anyone play these tables?
by dave090906 September 10, 2006
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-"Did you hear Joey is a fucking dank monster?" -"Yeah nibbles that shit like chewing tobacco, teacher told him 'spit out the gum' n he ran out the door and hasn't been back to the class in a month." -"Shit.."
by Smackster October 1, 2003
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When referring to taking a hit of bud.
Damn bro, that was a fuckin nasty monster hit!
by Dennis March 20, 2004
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We see other species such as bears and sharks to be monsters without truly looking what we’ve done to them
by Dubiks December 29, 2018
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