the most gorgeous person alive fr. I'm proud of u and I hope ur happy. so many people out there are happy af to have u as their friend and your gf is the happiest to have you as her bf
by xxxsxx November 20, 2021
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Cocktail drink: Tequila, pineapple juice with a splash of Topo Chico (or club soda)
“I’ll have a Willie Lei please” - said to the bartender
by GoFrogs2010 August 11, 2022
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known as the specie of frau,ley also known as Ms.Ley or its real name Lisa ley.
She is undercoverly working for the furher also knows as hitler himself. Or another theory is that she is undercover Adolf Hitler himself or Eva Brown and rebirthed to finish he's actions to concure the world and kill every living soul with tramenduce force and extinct every Deutsch boys dream to get an A in German.
She only picks on the kid in class that doenst seem to have a mental disorder or are to smart to even and up in with this bitch. You can't Come late to a class becouse then you will get beaten with a paddle or a basebal bat. She feeds on living excrement.
She is the only thing execept feminsts that will want to make you not live
That bitch Frau,Ley gave me an E
by The kid in the backrow November 24, 2017
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lei is a very nice but shy girl. her grades are kind of low and shes really shy. shes very attractive and attracts almost everyone she likes
Yo dude! Have u seen lei today?

U mean lei the hottest girl? Nah man I think shes not at school today :(
by user03728345 June 2, 2021
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Short For Leisure

A drinking game commonly played by east coast universities and sailing teams. The game consists of two teams, a leiser and a server. Played with ping pong paddles that have the handles broken off, two pint glasses on each side of the table and a 38mm white ping pong ball. The main objective of the game is for the server to volley the ball to the leiser, then the leiser will try to sink the ball in the cups. Resulting in half a beer drank. If the leiser misses the cups, the opposing server shall return the ball and start a rally.
"Dude are we gonna rip up some leis tonight"

"You're seriously leaving lads leis early bro"
by Meax2499 September 20, 2022
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An extremely complicated drinking game commonly played in colleges on the eastern seaboard. Mostly played by sailing teams. Will take you years to master just in time to graduate.
Dude! My 6pm got cancelled, grab the natty light and lets play some leis!
by Meax2499 October 21, 2022
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Lei is one of the best people you could ever meet. He'll always be there for you and he'll try to help you in any way possible. He's the kindest person ever. He just wants you to be happy.

I love you, Lei. <3
Guy 1: Hey look! It's Lei!
Girl 1: Really? Hey Lei!
Lei: Hiii!
Girl 2: Lei is so awesome.

Guy 2: Agreed.
by alexbitchboy March 3, 2022
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