Avril Lavigne is a singer who brings new meaning to the word "poser". She claims to be punk, yet has never heard of the Sex Pistols before. And her voice isn't much better. She sounds like Micheal Jackson being beaten to death by Ja Rule at a Britney Spears+William Hung concert. She is mainly supported by 10-14 year old girls who have no real taste in music, like to watch Disney Channel, Nickelodean, and all sorts of other stupid teenybopper shit, and simply want to hear nerve-racking tracks like "Girlfriend", "Complicated", and "Sk8ter Boi"(I Think I just lost ten brain cells from just typing that out)over and over again.
Avril Lavigne singing her new version of "Girlfriend":
Hey! Hey! You! You!
I Can't sing worth a shit!
No way, no way
I think I need a new job!
by Death Shredder June 24, 2007
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Canadian entertainer. Infamous/famous for bad music, juvenile lyrics and a core audience of angry suburban preteen girls. Also infamous for musical ignorance, arrogance and a questionable wardrobe.
Most adults with a somewhat educated ear can deduce that Avril Lavigne's music is rubbish.

Spitting on people is not acceptable behavior.

One who doesn't understand how to correctly pronounce "David Bowie" yet sites him as a major influence.
by J_T_J September 8, 2007
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1. the all time Queen of POSER

2. a talentless bitch that steals songs instead of writing them herself.
avril fan: OmGEeZZ Lyykk AvRil LavIgnE Is So0 PunkkK? RAWwkk AWesom Cooll HaRDcooRReeeeexxx

cool person: fuck the hell outa here avril sucks
by SDFC September 26, 2007
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A poser with no taste and no talent whatsoever. She's a disgrace to the word music and couldn't play guitar if her life depended on it.
I'm not saying that every teen wearing punk clothes is copying Avril. Avril is just copying what her record company wanted.
When playing live, Avril Lavigne only plays guitar in about three of her songs. She's not even good at it when she actually plays! And yet she goes on and on about how good she is.
by Merriam Alison September 17, 2005
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A kick-ass singer who battled and survived Lyme Disease who is known for her songs 'Complicated' 'Sk8er Boi' & 'Girlfriend.
Avril Lavigne is releasing her new album on Febuary 15 2019.
by ElPepsitasteGood January 18, 2019
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a pop rock singer who claims to be punk

i dont like her personly

however, someone who likes her may not be a poser, only if they claim to be punk by listening to her
four people in a park: avril listener called linda, poser called jordan, guy who accuses people of being poser called hans, and a true punk called johnny-sid

hans: wat ya listening to guys?
johnny-sid: ramones
hans: woo u cool guy!
jordan: good charlotte!
hans: kool
linda: avril lavigne!
hans: haha you f*cking poser! u try to be punk by listening to avril! haha
linda: actually i want to be myself, not punk! i listen to her because i like her! jordan is a poser now!
jordan: wtf? just cos i is listening to good charlotte? they is well punk innit, just like me!
johnny-sid: no, listen to some real punk you loser! like the clash!
jordan: who the hell?
johnny-sid: just get over it, linda is not a punk, she dosent try to be punk! i respect that! but you jordan try too hard. so u and hans can go off to claires accessories!
*they walk off ashamed*
linda: cheers dude
johnny-sid: its fine, at least u dont try to be punk! ur urself and i like it!

ze end
i just made that story up, but it could be real!

by revive-real-punk May 31, 2007
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Looking like an anarchist badass who never smiles and only wears black doesn't make you punk. Being yourself makes you punk, something Avril Lavigne doesn't do.
by Hooray, Zoidberg Shall Feast! February 17, 2006
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