An idea that later blows up in your face, per The Office.
Micheal- "We need a golden ticket idea?"
Pam- "Is that an idea that later blows up in your face"
by Trumangreen23 March 13, 2009
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This is when you see people (mainly middle aged men) walking around an amateur golf range with all the equipment that has probably set them back a small fortune, however, they havent even played before and completely useless, yet they have still spent all that money.
Rob: Oi Dave, see that retard smash it into the bunker?
Dave: Yeah, guess hes another All gear, no idea hero....
by BrownusBearus July 25, 2010
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A question to an illogical action asking if there is some sort of higher purpose or if the act of stupidity is part of some larger, genious plan to take over the world.
*Japan, 1942*

A: You told our pilots to crash thier planes into ships, what's the big idea?

B: We lose a few cheap aeroplanes and a couple of pilots, the enemy loses an expensive ship and thousands of lives.

A: Ah.
by Kung-fu Jesus July 28, 2004
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an idea that's a billion percent worth implementing in real life
boy: mother, I don't like my grades; i think i'll just go and deal drugs. I heard it's a faster way to make money short-handed

father: (butting in, voice dripping with sarcasm): what do you think of getting a legal job and the Unforgiveables? IMHO that would be much more of an idea with merit.
by Sexydimma October 27, 2012
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A group of kids who do weird shit and like memes, but disguised as a school
Someone 1: They act so weird

Someone 2: Well they go to Idea High School.
by TMG60Max April 21, 2019
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characters from the play Avenue Q : the Bad Idea Bears are the ones that suggest that you have drinking contests the day before that important interview.... Bad Idea Bears are really just our inner (bad) kid, goading us on into STUPID ideas!
"Last night? I don't remember anything after a visit from the Bad Idea Bears.... I remember them saying a few lines of coke 'wouldn't hurt just this once'..."
by TheGoddessMaria October 31, 2009
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When you have an idea that is so amazing and ingenious that it feels like a lightning bolt just hit the tip of your penis.
Guy1: Dude, I just had a prestige worldwide idea! We should totally...

Guy2: OMG, yes!

Guy1: My penis is tingling.
by NightHawk Dragon XXX December 21, 2011
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