An account that someone with heaps of followers on instagram creates and lets only 'friends' follow it so they can post silly photos
Courtney: Oi Lily where's that photo of you and Alex hooking up?

Lily: It's on my private account!!
by jamieking69 March 23, 2014
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Only those who own a private Bank can open this kind of account. Private banks do commercial business on paper only and do not tie assets to digital surveillance systems. There are no private online banks. Digital currency is all subject to the scrutiny of government regulators, private identity thieves, and scammers.

ALL DIGITAL CURRENCY IS SUBJECT TO BE SCRUTINIZED BY GOVERNMENTS. Bitcoin and all others included. You may hype it up and trade it among your friends all you want but you cannot eliminate the exchange rates that apply when cashing out or buying in.
My private Bank account is my freezer at home with a Bank balance of two gallons of frozen Blackberries having a net worth of whatever I may trade them for. Currently, Blackberry futures are still at $19.99 and holding steady. I am in this for the long run, and a Blackfoot redneck never gives up.
by Spiritual-Master January 30, 2022
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Can you ah check if that accounts private
Can you ahhh check it the tot guys account is private (private account is a gay person)
by Uejbeheu August 16, 2017
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The delusion of being better than everyone else because they are hidden behind a social media account that's either set to "private" or has no content posted.
*User A posts an innocent video online*
*User B sees the video and comments a hateful message for no reason*
*User A reads the message and thinks: "They are so rude! Who are They to think They can say this?"*
*User A look at User B's account and finds that They have their account set to "private"
*User A responds to User B: "You think You can be rude to everyone because You're hidden away from the public! You have Private Account Syndrome."
by mikuthedutchie July 12, 2024
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Private Account Syndrome (PRACS for short) is the delusion of being better than everybody else just because you hide behind an account that is either private or has no posts.
They usually say horrible things and slurs but have no self control as they think they are safe behind a privated account.
(Privated Account) User1: "~racist slur~"
(Reply) Original Poster: "why'd you say that about me"
(Reply to OP) User1: "i have free speech"
(Reply) User2: "You've really gotten Private Account Syndrome"
by TerraOnHere July 14, 2024
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