when yo mamas giving me da gawk gawk bro on gawd she makes it juicy oh mah lawd im prayin for deez nuts to be full of wet slimy sticky sticky milky

I'm feeling so good right now, you could suck my big black balls swinging left and right side to side up and down swaying like yo mamas jaws when she gives me da gawk gawk 9000
by Hunky Requis with larger testi September 10, 2021
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This is truly a speciality, if you get this, you are truly lucky. While sucking a pp, the person sucking will use an ancient motion done as a combination of both hands and the mouth creating a vacuum seal, this will make you cum instantly. The person can then proceed to deepthroat turning both hands slightly in antagonistic motions, this works on everyone. Important note: If you bite during the super mega gawkidy gawk 3000 vacuum sealed double handed no biting super full combo, you will ruin it, do not bite.
Yesterday she drained me, I think she hit me with the super mega gawkidy gawk 3000 vacuum sealed double handed no biting super full combo, i just could not even last 2 seconds.
by icewallow_come October 2, 2020
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Dave: Yo my homeboy, you want the the mary poppings supercalifragilisticexpialidocious gawk gawk vacuum chamber quadruple hand twist ushy bushy gushy sloppy toppy boppy naughty gorilla grip fade tsunami volcano eruption of semen soul snatcher combo wombo mumbo 3000?

William: No daddy, im not ready to die, im still a child
by Goblin gobly deez nuts April 18, 2022
Get the the mary poppings supercalifragilisticexpialidocious gawk gawk vacuum chamber quadruple hand twist ushy bushy gushy sloppy toppy boppy naughty gorilla grip fade tsunami volcano eruption of semen soul snatcher combo wombo mumbo 3000 mug.
gawk gawk gremlin super nigga balls in my mouth up and double combo 300 nut twister bumfucker up and down maybe even pound triple combo 11000 with a little drip drip from the balls at the end when ever you go to 6 eleven 4002xl3000 is the best thing you will ever have some people have it upside down or perpendicular it is promissed yo dick will get bigger by -6.9 inches
i just had some gawk gawk gremlin super nigga balls in my mouth up and double combo 300 nut twister bumfucker up and down maybe even pound triple combo 11000 with a little drip drip from the balls at the end when ever you go to 6 eleven 4002xl3000 up side down on a stair case.
Get the gawk gawk gremlin super nigga balls in my mouth up and double combo 300 nut twister bumfucker up and down maybe even pound triple combo 11000 with a little drip drip from the balls at the end when ever you go to 6 eleven 4002xl3000 mug.
Refers to the astonished stare that you assume when taste-testing two or more brands of a particular supermarket-offering and unexpectedly discover that you actually **prefer** the lower-priced store-brand (which traditionally would be expected to have a "weaker 'n' thinner" flavor/texture), rather than a costlier "big name" product.
Being on SSI and Food Stamps and thus having a very-limited budget, I am used to just buying the "el-cheapo" store-brand of groceries whenever I can stand their usually-milder-tasting flavors. Occasionally I do "splurge" and buy the pricier "fancy-pants" foods, though, when the taste is dramatically better, such as Nutella hazelnut spread or Armour Vienna sausage. One startling exception to this latter condition, though, was in the case of Dinty-Moore beef stew as opposed to just the Great Value brand... I bought a can of DM just to try it out in comparison to the WalMart brand, and I had a total case of generic-grocery gawk --- the Dinty-Moore brand was absolutely a-w-f-u-l, whereas the richly-tasty Great Value stew won hands-down! Boy, ya never know till ya try it, do ya???
by QuacksO February 26, 2019
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You spit on his erect penis. Put a hand around the base of the penis. And start twisting in a circular motion up and down all while you’re sucking the head (make sure to use vacuum seal suction for ultimate pleasure)
Friend 1: I think he’s cheating , what shall I do to make him stay?

Friend 2: Give him the twist and gawk I’m sure that’ll work
by Twistygawk January 5, 2022
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during the action of an gamer girl putting your dick in her mouth, and she takes your cock in one hand and starts sucking you reversed with the gawk gawk sound for 6000 times, the most easy way to get this is to have an 180cc zip
i just got the best blowjob ever, the uwu gawk gawk reverse twister 6000, it was mind blowing like my zip blows Through the streets
by aapjeee March 22, 2023
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