A fork in the River, where multiple parts connect. Usually there is a north fork and a south fork.
Aye Jamal, nigga, get yo' rod lets go to tha fork and reel in sum deez niggas outta the waturry stuff.

Sounds like a plan, Peter. I will go retreive the tackle box and we shall rendevous at 3 o'clock sharp at the northern fork my good fellow.

Fo sho nigga!
by Jeremy Popoff January 17, 2006
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- A word much more cool than Owned, Mankind r0x your s0x.
Omfg, you've been forked by ManKiND, commit suicide.
by ManKiND January 27, 2003
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i forked a load of cd's from the record store
by manc-goat May 7, 2009
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When you use your dick and your two legs to stab him in the lower torso.
"I'm not asking you to spoon with the guy, or even fork him-"

"What is that?"

"Forking is when you use your dick and your two legs to stab him in the lower torso."
by VOJAKIS February 6, 2019
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a utensil used to start a planes engine.
-why havent you started the plane yet?
-i just broke the fork...
by ..,, January 20, 2008
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a common alternate name for someone who refuses to stay in sunlight for extended periods of time; derived from the effects of sticking a fork in a microwave in junction to that person being in the sun.
Yeah, baby, that's right. My name is Fork, and I hate sunlight.
by Ken.n.Fork July 12, 2005
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