Someone who derides and maligns those who do not love sushi.
Jeremy: you are a fascist if you don't like sushi
Victim: you misunderstand the concept of fascism.
Jeremy: concept of fascism: i don't like sushi = i am a fascist

Note that the concept is incorrect and in fact Jeremy is in our example the real fascist -- in fact, he is a Sushi-Fascist.
by yamsal April 3, 2010
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That friend that is constantly guilting you into social situations you don't want to be in. The one that never hesitates to remind you how every quiet night you spend in is going to flash before your eyes as you lie on your deathbed in agony.
Bro: "Yo Delta Chi is throwing again tonight, you been cranky af lately, we're getting you your nut tonight"

You: " Eh, man we partied all week I actually made plans to get up early and hike with that girl I like. I might stay in this time"

Bro: "Dude stop being such a pussy. You only live one life, you need to live it to the fullest and not leave me hanging"

You (mumbling under your breath): "Why am I friends with this Fomo Fascist?" (As you reach for your axe spray and button down with your tail between your legs).
by TheRealL162 February 17, 2021
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Someone born in USSR who is a fascist but supports the communist system.
My brother got killed by a communist fascist.
by minecraftcito2 July 23, 2019
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Internet User: i want you read your script and give some feed back, free of charge

Grammar Italian Fascist: Maybe your should learn to write before you offer to give a critique.
by dTraj October 18, 2010
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The form of currency on Fascist Dictatorship Island, in which one Fascist Dictator Dollar equals one million American dollars.
by Fagbot and jessor December 27, 2003
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1. (noun): a person who attempts to prevent cigarette or cigar smoking in public. Especially applicable in locations (bars, pubs, patios) where smoking is allowed.

2. (noun): A self-righteous and discourteous non-smoker who attempts to shame smokers by coughing loudly when walking past or rudely insisting that smokers are dirty, disgusting addicts who are killing themselves and others.

3. (noun): a person who offers unsolicited health information about the effects of smoking to complete strangers.

See also: Dark Lord, cigarette.

"When I lit up on the patio, some old lady asked me to stop killing her."

"Bloody fresh-air fascist!"
by Tessa Who September 3, 2005
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