27 definitions by Fagbot and jessor

Entrance located in Florida. Lures unsuspecting old people into its depths with the promise of Bingo, only to lead them on a magical adventure to Oscar Wilde Island, the maker of all zombies in the world, ruled by Herpes The God of Fornication and Menial Tasks. See also: Haiti
"Because when you're dead, you're not really dead yet. You have a magical adventure ahead of you, living in harmony under the sea."
by Fagbot and jessor December 27, 2003
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An instructional text written by Rev. Jess Adam Esq. Esq. outlining plans for ultimate world domination through the use of fantastical Weapons of Destruction.

See: Lava Crane Gun, Death Wheel 'O' Paper, Razor Slinky Ov Discomfort, Trojan Staircase, Monorail of Complete and Utter Firey Explosive Annihilation.
Includes chapters such as: What Is Lava?, Harnessing the Destructive Powers of Lava, Harness the Destructive Powers of Lava etc.
by Fagbot and jessor December 27, 2003
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A direct result of using the Mildly Uncomfortable Heating Pad. When Heating Pad is placed on head, it subtly fries the brain, thus creating hallucinations, which is called "Crazy Vision"
"WooohohohohoHHhoooo... OwwoOWOw,... I gOts the CRAzy VIsioN!! ArgGRgGHJ! mY brAINSSSssss...."
by Fagbot and jessor December 27, 2003
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An impressive crane-like machine, to which is affixed an even more impressive lava shooting gun. Origin: Lava Crane Gun Island.

1. Brings death and mayhem.
2. Fire from the sky... the Motherfuckin' sky!
3. A weapon worthy of an evil dictator.
"Burn motherfuckers, burn!"
"Nooooo! It's the laVA FRom the sky!!!
"The motherfucking SKY!"
by Fagbot and jessor December 27, 2003
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Like Iron Fist, but gay version of. Coined by evil dictator Libernazi.
"That fag rules with a velvet fist!"
by Fagbot and jessor December 27, 2003
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can be added to any name to imply greatness
jessor, gregor, danor, faggor, etc. . .
by Fagbot and jessor December 27, 2003
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While being exported to Fascist Dictatorship Island, a zombie can have many adventures, experiencing all the sights and sounds on the sea floor before being shot out of a cannon to fight for the great Libernazi.
"Blub, blub, blub, brains, blub."
by Fagbot and jessor December 27, 2003
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