Fucked For Sure, being caught or stuck in a bad situation.
Ran out of gas at 2am in the middle of nowhere, FFS.
by Rakshala October 2, 2007
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'Fatty Fat Shit'
Used when someone's BMI is over 30
a: lol not me, ffs
b: that's harsh
a: lol i know
by dazza wazza October 13, 2006
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Gamer term used in RTS games that relates to unit control (micro skills)- Focus fire.
WC 3, shift clicking units (ff) with attack to simutaneously attack one unit after another without pause.
by bennys January 11, 2009
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For Fucks Sage!
Chris: "Bryn, is Sage working yet?"
Bryn: "ffs!"
by Sage 50 June 13, 2011
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