When a woman recognizes she's obsessing and analyzing about a new guy too much, she goes on other dates to occupy her mind.
Jane told me she can't stop thinking about that bearded lumberjack, with the house on the lake she had coffee with. She's rereading texts, googling his name, stalking on Facebook, you name it! Realizing she's entering psycho mode, she's been right-swiping on Tinder day and night to line up Distraction Dick to keep herself sane.
by Ekenned1 March 10, 2023
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when you are working/doing something and someone walks up to you with hard wood. Then you turn and are astounded by the massive wang so you can't go back to work.
while working on my test my teacher, John Madden, stuck out his massive wand and caused me to be in the event of penile distraction.
by cacabutt123 June 13, 2014
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"Distracted Drift"

When driving you notice erratic driving such as slowing /speeding patterns, drifting into your lane, and so on as a result of using their mobile for texting/posting/browsing.
"Man, I was on my way into work this morning and was almost taken out by the peckerhead doing the 'distracted drift.' I expected it ot be a kid but it looked like a soccer mom on Facebook."
by Renees Bill July 1, 2013
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- A Girl or Guy who has an attractive body but an unattractive face.
- Target is often Distracted by the Guy or Girl's body and assumes they are hot by that.
Guy 1: "I can't believe you thought she was hot."
Guy 2: "Yeah man, total Steph Mills Distraction."
by Charlie Sheen the 2nd March 23, 2011
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To describe the positive distractions in our life. Examples are our cars, lifestyles, media channels, smartphones and TECH.
Awesome hoverboard! Very distractional.
by www.distractional.com January 12, 2016
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A object or situational factor that serves as a distraction or diversion from someone or something else that is happening.
"I hate when I see a Cop car at night, at least during the day there is a bunch of distraction noodles so they don't see me".
by redmedicine July 26, 2015
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a. A fictional creature capable of capturing the attention of all who see or hear it, who become powerless to turn away, even to the point of neglecting physical needs.
b. A person capable of trapping others in conversations and preventing them from ending, despite the desires of the other participants.
c. A person capable of changing the topic of any event or discussion without the notice of its participants until the original meaning is entirely lost to the dark pages of history.
a. The old king gave the same stern warning to each of his children: Heed not the endless tripe of the Distraction Beast in yonder wood lest ye lose all good sense and spend your final days with him in stupor - for no sensible man will come to your aid.

b. I vaguely remember starting a conversation about something, but then that distraction beast jumped in and next thing I knew it was Tuesday.

c. Until that distraction beast entered the conversation, we were actually getting somewhere talking about... about... whatever it was we were talking about.
by TheBeastOfTheMark June 7, 2021
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