Game that is highly addictive, but you don't have to spend hours on it. People also actually buy items for this game on E-bay.....
Diablo 2 Player: Hey I found a rare elite unique.
Non-D2 Player: What? I found $10.
Diablo 2 Player: *Goes and sells unique on E-bay for $30.*
by JohnR June 21, 2006
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Crack Cocaine
smoking crack, free basing...
Wanna go smoke some el diablo?


by blthrskt November 23, 2008
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A game, in which you have a choice of 6 characters, of different skills and possibilties! Great game, very time consuming. IS the MOST addictive game out there, it is a MMRPOG.
-Advice: Do Not BUY it, or give as a present.
-Reason: Ruin your life and who ever posses's it!
diablo 2 is like the game runescape. equally addictive.
by terturus May 11, 2007
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Obliviously a narcissistic, egocentric, just an all around, Imbecile. No one should confront them or anything. Also known to be a FilityMcNasty by many peope.
Ew that guy is such a Diablo Sanchez he is way to booshy.
by Vux February 15, 2013
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in spanish this translates to devils butthole. in this case it is the name we call the offender expelling the farts. can also be used as just the body part, the butthole making all the stink.
this nasty mf came out of the bathroom with the most evil laugh. i go in there right after him to take a piss and instantly knew why he laughed. that guy has a freakin culo diablo.
by getnpsi July 8, 2006
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isnt as addicting as most people say; no where as addicting ass EverCrack
Yo diablo 2 is the shizzle!
by J 0 K A February 10, 2005
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