Diablos Revenge Gang, otherwise known as DRG, is a street gang formed in Duluth MN. Distinguished by red and grey bandannas or articles of clothing. Rival gangs include Gangster Disciples, Satan Disciples, Crips, and Other “Blue” gangs.
“Fuck a crab, I’m with that Diablos Revenge Gang”
“Diablos Revenge Gang gon top it off

“Fuck a folk, I’m reppin DRG
by Devils Associates December 7, 2019
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As in; he totally diabloed man.
by $urefirelime December 14, 2013
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Boss over hell, pain, suffering, death. The most eavil of all eavil.

Nothing is more devilish, eavil an causing more horror then Don Diablo, the ultimate eavil
Mesphistophiles( satans creaturs, satans spavn, that gather souls) Oh Lilith (is all evil, one of the first an orginale devils) what did you do?
Lilith- I slayed all of them, and ate some, and tourtured the rest. HAHAHA!!

by Don mephisto March 28, 2018
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The Diablo Swing was awkward, the eye contact intensely unfortunate.
by July 29, 2023
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A BIG penis SO FUCKING ENCHANTED it is capable of putting one under a spell much like the devil himself. A penis so MAGNIFICENT that it will drive you to the point of absurdity just to obtain it. Proceed with caution ( NOT REGULARS UNDER 6" )
BICHO DEL DIABLO When the dick so BIG AND good her eyes roll back and you think you need to call an exorcist. Also known as the Double D
by above 6plz February 13, 2018
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