The act of becoming every girl's rebound man through the usage of humor, typically after a breakup
'Yeah, he's definitely about to Davidson with Kelly'
by Jai1629 November 23, 2021
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Davidson is kind of guy that every girl wants to sleep with. He has face like pop star: blonde hair and blue eyes. The acnes on his forehead might drag down his look but he'll be the hottest dilf walking on the planet soon.
Friend 1: Yo is that Davidson dude?
Friend 2: Yea that's some hot ticket
Friend 1: Don't let him get under your skin. Just focus on pickin 'em up and puttin' em down
Friend 2: okay coach
by Lmaoyoureallythoughtso July 14, 2021
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El colegio mas mamabicho de hilliard con una tipas bien hijas de puta y unos tipos bien perros ❤️
Yo pa Hilliard Davidson no Voy ni loca
by Klklklklk September 8, 2021
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the things said by Kelvin Davidson. He is the truth he will make ur heart poop its pants
i had a small serving of Davidsonism on the side of my Caviar for my Tuesday morning brunch it was quite delicious and I almost shat my pants while eating it.
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Johnson Davidson is a simple Amish man. He loves his sisters (a bit too much) and would do anything for them. As an Amish man, Johnson Davidson loves building barns
Have you see that Amish man Johnson Davidson?
by Diaper sniper December 19, 2020
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The act of getting a non-paid sloppy at the back of your local Harley Davidson store, usually as part of some kind of promotion.
Person 1: Yo you wanna go throw milk bottles at the baby cows in the field over there

Person 2: Nah I gotta go get my Free Sloppy at Harley Davidson
by Harley Davidson fan May 17, 2023
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A hoe whose dad, Mr. Davison, decided to name her after his motorcycle
“ Harley Davidson? Isnt that the motorcycle
“No, it’s the girl in my math class
by The_Ancient_Chicken October 7, 2021
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