An awful person that nobody likes. She starts too much drama and is always in everyone's business. She will act like your best friend and then she will all of a sudden go and stab you in the back. She will act like shes so much better than you when ,really, shes so much less.
Eww. Why is Avery talking to you?
by ILOVESNAKES August 8, 2017
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A woman who will be bisexual for her man and bring other women into bed with them. Comes from the Kelly Preston character in Jerry Maguire.
That woman I've been seeing is even freakier than I thought. She's a total Avery.
by shnookey lumps October 8, 2006
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A disloyal bitch and a horrible friend. She is self centered and only thinks of herself. She will stab you in the back and will make you apologize for things she started. starting drama is her favorite thing to do.
Wow you're being such an Avery tonight, I'm never talking to you again
by Iloveshowchoir April 9, 2015
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Biggest Hoe around.

Avery is normally the most hated person around.
Avery is a bitch and is ugly asf.

Avery doesn't usually have many boys around her as they are all repulsed by her acne and huge forehead. Averts are typically very fake and trick people by wear a lot of the end of the day she is just afraid to be herself since no one will like her then
Guy 1:"ew, did u see that girl, I bet her name was Avery"
Guy2:"yah man she was such an ogre"
Guy 1:"I wish Averys didn't exist"
by xo.babe_ May 30, 2018
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an emotion you can use, when you don't know how you feel at that moment
"hey, how are you?" "oh, I'm Avery"
by an_emotion February 22, 2018
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Avery has a great smile and she is so perfect. She only trusts her friends and she always has a great attitude. She is always so funny and her jokes are hilarious . When she like someone she has to make sure she trusts you before she tells you. When you are sad 5 mins later you are very happy. If you are around her you are never sad
Avery is awesome.
by AddiTM998812 March 6, 2019
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The most socially awkward person who ooba chingas daily and nightly who loves to-mas.
wait who the frig is Avery?
I don't know man its that weird girl that sits and sings to herself.
by Nolensbiggay February 24, 2019
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