When you are typing and you think you didn't press a key, but you actaully did.
Me: Whoa I think I just got a slippy key!
Kieran: Nah bro you pressed r!
Me: aaahhh, ok bro thx!
Kieran: np
by NovaWaffle November 15, 2019
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When you're fucking a girl from behind in her pussy and insert your whole hand in her anus and start to jerk yourself off.
I was with a girl last night and she was a total freak so i gave her the Key Largo Plumber.
by Aby Mandy September 13, 2017
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someone who holds the keys to the company doors
guy: who is that woman?
other guy: she is the key account manager
by qubic December 17, 2018
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Readings that represent the main topics of an idea that allows the reader to understand the material in a better manner.
A key readings for studying the solar system would include books of articles on the different planets.
by Ms. Psych November 29, 2013
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The key roller is big and bad. He is head of the table in your social circle and is the master of rolling a fat cigar.
Me: " Damo what are you doing "
Damo: "Lads look at me, I'm the key roller check out this ciggah"
by BBDF63 July 29, 2021
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To crap ones day. To impair or impede ones quality of life.
"I was talking to this girl, and then Bruce came up all drunk, hitting on her and threw the keys."
by Jayshoeman June 10, 2008
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