Austin’s are usually very tall and are very sexy they also know how to fight if you see a wild Austin do not make eye contact or they will pounce out side of them being to beat any one up they are very fine gentlemen who every one wants to be around but if you go to ones house don’t look in there basement
(Rober) I’m going to kill that guy “walks up to Austin” but Austin uses the world to stop time and punch a hole through his chest

Defenition 2
Murder attacks Austin
But Austin pulls out his katana and uses water breathing to kill him
by Bansky November 23, 2021
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An Austin is an amazing guy with blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. He is extremely loyal and cares about others feelings before his own even if he is dying inside. He is a lover, he loves cuddles and hugs and he will do everything he can to make you feel happy. If you have an Austin in your life never let him go because he makes the best boyfriend. He will constantly check up on you to make sure you're ok, he will comfort you when you are crying, he will give you so much love and he will make you look forward to the future. He is very clingy but not to the extreme. He knows how to give you space when you need it and he will not leave you alone when you want him by your side. Austin is very funny, he is crazy and goofy but that's why he is such a fun person to be around. When he enters a room everyone turns to look at him because he is extremely cute and handsome. When he has a girlfriend he is very protective of her and will make sure she is safe and loved. Austin is the kind of guy that doesn't hide his emotions. He will cry when he's sad, he will yell when he's mad he will laugh and smile when he's happy. You don't want to hurt his feelings or get on his bad side because he is extremely scary when he is mad. Austin has a big heart and he loves the people he is close to especially the one he really loves. He will treat her like a queen in every way possible because he wants to show her he cares. He is very sweet and so understanding of everything.
Person 1: "Austin is so nice he is an amazing friend"
Person 2: "You're so lucky to have an Austin in your life"
by babyyyyy_girl11 September 9, 2020
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Mischa's boyfriend. Has a crush on Mischa. Looks like a zebra.
Mischa: Do you know Austin?

Amandda: Yeah, he has a crush on you.
by Ummmmmlolidk November 23, 2021
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A short guy who always thinks they’re always funny. Austin always gets along with others, until revealing his giant ego. Monday’s are hated only because of him.
Shivam: You look nice today, Austin. (No Homo)
Austin: Why, thanks.
Also Austin: I do love how awesome I am and how I look.
by Mommy was here November 13, 2019
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a person with no brain but is fun to be around with.
me: if you answer this question wrong you are an Austin what is 1+1?
guy 1: I don't know.
me: congratulations you are an Austin.
by truedictinoary September 6, 2023
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Austin is the type of guy with a deep, sexy voice. He is kind to all people and knows how to respect women. He is emo and by saying that, he likes emo music and dresses like an emo. Although he is very kind, he is broken inside. His past is very broken but he tries to hide it so others won't worry about him. He has a big... you know what I'm talking about. He is stereotyped to be very southern but most of the time isn't. His eyes are gorgeous. If you are dating him, he will make you feel like the only one he cares about. He has amazing humor and can make anyone laugh. His dream job is being a Comidian, actor, or a singer, mainly a Rockstar.
Who is that really funny guy with the deep voice?
You mean Austin?
Yes! Him!
by AngelicGirl May 18, 2022
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Austin a guy who people like most of the time but is actually a dumb lanky white kid the no ones likes
by Condom sucker December 29, 2022
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