lillie ella. simply just lillie ella. also someone who tries to give all the boys chewing gum (also lillie ella)
lillie ella: oh my god boy 1 would you like a chewie

boy 1: yeah go on
girl 1: what the actual fuck. what a pick me girl
by November 24, 2021
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A girl who is viewed as someone who constantly wants attention from males or any type of the 678 genders. However they half of the time aren't a pick me, they are just viewed like that because of today's society. We tear down women who do nothing wrong, who might just be trying to "fit in" which they might be struggling to because of this terrible generation.
Summa: Look at Arianna, she's such a pick me girl omg. She wants attention like 24/7
Angela: I know right. She's such a bitch.
Arianna: breaking down mentally, because these are all lies. dont believe what others say about u.
by justwannafitin September 28, 2023
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“I hang with the boys all day because all other girls start drama, it’s not because I’m a pick me girl I’m just different” -allison
by plobae June 16, 2022
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Basically a female simp; A woman obsessed with gaining the attention, approval, and validation of men, often at the expense of other women. They will frequently claim that they’re “not like other girls”, are absurdly eager to please, and will often demean and sabotage other women. Some Pick Me Girls may even develop a form of internalized misogyny out of pressure, trauma, or desperation. Thankfully, Pick Me Girls are usually just a phase for young women.

Susie: “I’d rather lose my right to vote than lose my right to bear arms!”
Alexandra: “Ah, man. Poor Pick Me Girl. I hope she grows out of it.”
by UrbanAuthor99.9 August 21, 2023
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its a bitch who gives chewing gum to everyone boy in the class. she wants every boy to love her and talk to her.
me: did you see her the fucking pick me girl
bsf: thats just lillie ella for you
by justalocalbitch August 2, 2021
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annoying girls who think they are "one of the boys" or say "oh my god! I'm sooooo ugly!" but then the next thing you know they compliment themself a millisecond later. They are also attention seekers and compliment fishers
jason: yea bro i totally wanna hang out with you
kaleb: sure, this weekend?
jason: su-
Pick me girl: Oh my god can i come too 🥺👉👈
jason: nah its just for me and my friends
Pick me girl: I can come too right?? Im one of the boys

jason and kyle (internally): ...omg not these pick me girls help us jesus PLEASE
by kawaiirush October 1, 2022
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