Someone who is on one certain occasion, multiple occasions, or always without funds to go out. Someone who is a financial dependent due to economic hardship.
1. I wanted to invite Evan out, but he is a Broke Puppy, and I don't want to end up paying his tab at the bar.

2. Don't invite her out sis, she's a broke puppy, you'll be picking up the tab for her if you do.
by BossJD August 11, 2022
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The baby talk people use when they speak to and pet a dog. The people immediately talk to the dog like it's a little baby even though the dog can't understand them. canine crazy, feline fanatic, pet parents, dog, canine, pet, man's best friend
I get so annoyed when people walk up to my dog and use puppy speak. He's not a little baby people and he can't understand you!
by joecoolthefool March 27, 2016
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When your at the cinema and you get a boner, so you try to hide it with your popcorn
That film gave me a real popcorn puppy
by Ameliamarch1 July 3, 2017
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Biker slang for sperm. Purple dog refers to ones penis, and purple puppies is the puppies from your purple dog.
He had an old lady getting purple puppies on the back of his chopper when they both got it by a freight train.
by LostMC4life September 24, 2023
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A poopy explosion brought on by drinking too much Boone's Farm in which the desecration happens on the feet.
"Man, I brought this girl back from the bar and she Boone's Farm Slush Puppy (ied) all over me."
by SLUTPUPPY69 April 29, 2018
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A derogatory derivative of 'dogs of war' where mercenaries element remains without ferociousness expected. Half hearted commitment, just bare minimum to appease. Elements of naivety an inexperience. More likely to roll over and let you tickle their bellies than chew your hands off.
Fan1: Hey man did you see the spurs game?
Fan2: One-sided af
BNWS: Hey don't disrespect.. watch the team's reaction the next game.
Fan1: Man! U puppies of war.. gonna let Palace tickle your bellies.
by firstornothing April 5, 2022
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an young spunk puppy who's purpose in life is to run around after his superior(s), while they put definitions of him on urban
dom you spunk puppy, after you have finished shinning my shoes go and make me a cup of tea, bitch.
by uncle super schlong June 18, 2003
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