Luxemburgish slang for a girl or woman. Created by Ricky Ricardo back in 2015, the synonym is now commonly used in everyday conversations. The word has his orgins from the more spreaded word „gaus“.
„Wat eng fain goose!“
„Check der dei mal goose.“
by RR1998 February 14, 2019
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Yo dude did you see that goose on that girl?

Yeah bro it was more barren than the Sahara.
by BeaveGoose January 26, 2020
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Cute little “innocentfuckers known for attacking people
I heard a goose attacked Jerry yesterday, he barely made it out alive
by Almostbutnotquite November 16, 2019
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A thick anorexic pencil boy who is hay and is broke and can’t do anything well and sucks at football
Goose is so bad
by Max Mcinnes January 25, 2020
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by pooooooob January 11, 2022
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