When you have oversized knuckles and your fingers look like bananas. A locally known hero in the town of Montclair, NJ posesses this strange phenomenon. Even females from other towns know about this rare physical attribute.
by Coco the Monkey December 30, 2005
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A quick slip of your man meat into a woman's vagina.
A banana that is carefully placed which wipes some person off their feet.
"I put a Slick Banana down and caught out JJ today =D"
"I Slick Banana'd JJ today"
by Alexander Thorley! October 1, 2005
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A long time member of The Clock Crew, author of such flash works as the Clock Tales series on Newgrounds. Left the Clock Crew for the parody group The Lock Legion after being stripped of his moderator priveleges on the Clock Crew's website, now goes by the alias Banana Lock
Banana Clock, while shaping the clock crew as it is today, has tarnished his name by endorsing a ripoff group.
by Peter Deer September 22, 2006
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A person who has an insatiable craving for penis in their mouth. Hence, BANANA MONSTER.
That girl blew every guy on her team. She's a real banana monster!!
by blackbeltjones September 15, 2010
A genre of music, popularized by Born Loser and the Hangers On, that incorporates metal, pop, rock, blues, and musical theatre, as well as energetic and dramatic stage performance.
Person 1: "Dude, remember that time we saw that band and that guy was shredding on guitar, and that other chick was flailing about all crazy, and it was all really catchy, and then it all ended with jazz hands?"
Person 2: "Oh, that was totally a banana rock band."
Person 1: "Man, I'm allergic to bananas."
by WADE wade WADE July 11, 2011
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The manipulation and exploitation of the male species by appearing interested and willing to reward. Bananas are peeled for personal gain or just pure entertainment.
G: Let me send this provocative txt to X and then he can fix my History essay!
H: Tututut, your peeling bananas again!
by YourCakeface January 28, 2009
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