The answer is no.
Molly's Maybe
Her: "Mmm maybe" which really means no
by Nrobford July 24, 2018
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In reference to Pavlov's dog salivating experiment. When a person feels a roll by listening to the same songs while sober after rolling.
I had a little Pavlov's Molly on the drive home yesterday.
by charlieechomikedelta October 9, 2021
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a HEE HOO rat who can take over the world. She stars as the main protagonist in the new hit fanfiction: The Mistake.
Maya: Hey, is that a fool Man?
Taco Cheese: No, that's just Molly Walters.
by thetubbytaco March 25, 2020
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A gorgeous girl who is friendly to mostly everyone. She may get slightly annoying at times, but you can't help but love her. Blue eyes that are complimented on often are what she is known for. Can sometimes give the wrong impression or screw up really badly, but most people know her true colors. Guy crazy and slightly wild at times, she can either blend in or be the life of the party. She is often in awkward situations, but moves on afterwards. Prone to being trusting, she sets herself up to get hurt and doesn't learn from those particular mistakes. Overall a nice girl who likes being social.
Wow, she fell really hard for that guy; such a Molly Hanna move.
by icyblueeyes September 14, 2014
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Fuck a girl in the ass, then stick it in her vagina when shes on her period,the male cums. And she snorts molly off your dirty dick.
I knew I hit rock bottom when I asked my dealer for a molly waffle
by Kazow420 July 7, 2023
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Someone who is only good at 8ball and none of the other games for some reason. Also can’t spell to save their life
You know Molly Mecham?
Yea the girl who can’t spell or play any game besides 8ball?
by Bigfinder111 November 30, 2021
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The cutest dog you will ever meet. She is also my dog. MINE!!
Friend: (Backs away) Okay....
by #MollyLove March 4, 2019
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