Tearing somebody a new one online from safely behind the monitor, phone or tablet screen. Similar to road rage.
Don’t mention politics on my uncle’s Facebook wall. He gets screen rage and loses his mind. He needs therapy. I don’t trust him online or at the wheel!
by S. Logan December 7, 2017
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The rage exhibited on social media and at protests by both pro-choice and pro-life advocates against the other side.
I was caught in a roe v wade protest and the roe rage from both sides was crazy. I barely made it out alive.
by Denzel Washingmachine July 13, 2022
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Becoming irate when unable to get into (or out of the garage)
Mr R had serious Gar Rage during his stereo show when his automatic door wouldn’t open
by Lesbian Icon August 23, 2021
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Rage eyes” happen when a person (often a narcissist, or someone who enjoys being dominant and in charge) who enjoys mistreating, abusing, degrading individuals either verbally or physically. The eyes appear dark, almost black due to their pupils dilating.
“As my stepfather continued to yell at me, it looked as if he had rage eyes..”
by hot cheese October 30, 2021
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Most commonly known as the teenagers who get mad trying to explain to their mothers that you can't pause a live game. Pubescent rages are people going through puberty who get mad at everything. Some things they get mad at can be mothers, teachers, little sisters, dogs, cats, games( "my game gliched and I died") and many more things.
Pubescent rage-" mum you can't pause fortnite. People will kill you"
Mum- " I don't care some ones got do the washing and its not me. Ive got a five o'clock appointment with Grays Anatomy."
Little sister walking by the room-" just do the washing and stop being a pubescent rage"
by Pubescentrageforlife May 17, 2018
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1. A feeling of intense anger characterized by large amounts of rage
2. A feeling of intense rage characterized by large amounts of anger.
When the co-stars of Star Trek left Leonard Nimoy behind Fry was literally "angry with rage" at their injustice toward a long-time comrade.
by Captain_Texas January 24, 2012
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