A derogatory term for a bank teller or cashier. Also used when you are pissed off at the person acting as "banker" when playing Monopoly.
Sorry I'm late, there's a new change monkey working at the coffee shop.


Gimme my change, change monkey!
by ViridianDusk March 15, 2010
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ON JUNE 29th u and ur partner will makeout in a mall or changing room in a store or a mall
Riley-Hey it’s June 29th National makeout in a changing room or mall day let’s go to the changing rooms

Eliana-Alr let’s go then
by Idkimcrazylol June 25, 2022
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A term used to describe something hot, sexy, or awesome
by Kaylafill December 11, 2016
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A lame skateboarding trick, reserved for kids that solely play game of skate. A equivalent lame sight would be a vaping clown riding a unicycle while juggling
Kid: "I recently learned a pop shuvit sex change"
(Hopefully) you: "You're off track, that is a styleless trick. People will most likely think it's lame"
by randomguyontheinternet123 March 30, 2019
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Moving to richer and better country cause you despar of your country.
Oh man, this country is dead. I wanna class change and have a better life.
by World cousin August 11, 2020
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When you enjoy yet neglect to like someone's facebook post, but upon extenuating boredom, you see it again and end up liking it out of some newfound lightheartedness.
Laura's picture of her poodle taking her spot in bed when she got up to go to the bathroom was cute. I ended up having a change of like and sending her blowy kisses for the next hour.
by Trapped_In_Time July 2, 2013
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When you get really close to your crush just for them to leave you for a kid in the play.
Dude, I thought me and Shea had a thing, until that kid in the play Luke started dating her. Im totally Pulling a Chang
by Urban Duude December 2, 2020
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