A fine specimen of a hangover.
Big gay shane is someone who's chemical make up is mostly Heineken and durries.

He loves to live his big gay life, in his big gay house, with his big gay truck.
Big gay shane is the best
We got real drunk last night . Shane was big gay shane. It was great
by Deathkenny1988 July 5, 2019
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A way of combining Big if True and UWU
A combo meme if you'd like. A way of implying something could have a large positive impact if it's true.
Mainly used by people who watch anime
P1: FLCL is getting a 2nd season
P2: Big if truwu
by GardenClog April 1, 2018
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A big, blue, purple penis with purple spots.
Mike loves Sulley’s “Big Sulley”.
by FireShotGamer September 6, 2018
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Mean person; asshat who has some idea or what he/she is doing and enjoys inflicting pain onto others.
The principal was so mean that all the children were scared of him.

What a big eater he is!
What a big eater he is!
by Biggest eater March 31, 2022
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when yo come out of your mom with a big dick at least 12 to 24 inches
i have big dick syndrome aka bds
by malakai duong is here February 13, 2019
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Big Dick Syndrome, or BDS for short, is when you have an absolutely massive, world destroying manhood. Not to be confused with Big Dick Energy, Big Dick Syndrome is when you actually have a massive member, a humongous hammer, an elephantine erection, a colossal cock. Choose your pick, they're all valid.
Girl A: So you're telling me that even a magnum was too small for him?
Girl B: Yeah. I actually saw him struggle to put it on, it was crazy. I think he's got, like, Hulk genes or something.
Girl A: I'll say! That sounds like a huge case of Big Dick Syndrome. I just hope he doesn't destroy you.
Girl B: Haha me too.
by Yeethaw_76 July 25, 2019
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An angry ass dude who can’t lead a horse to water.
Big sleeve is crusty and has horrible social skills.
by Deepinside August 15, 2023
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