An incredibly addictive game which sucks you in, consumes your soul, and becomes your life. You play as Dwarves, Gnomes, Humans, Night Elves, Draenei, Orcs, Tauren, Trolls, Undead and Blood Elves as you are vexed by its unbelievable addiction power. The side effect of this is that you will forget all about the outside world for roughly 43 years, be isolated from your friends (your so-called "friends" will abandon you to have a good life), and you will not notice as people walk in your house taking away the couch and television as you click away at the mouse.
Guy-"Hey, Jason! Let's play basketball!"
Jason (staring at screen)-"..."
Guy-"Uh... Jason?"
Jason (continuing to stare at screen)-"..."
Guy (stern)-"Are you playing World of Warcraft again?"
Jason (does not move as neighbors walk in and take away his television and couch)-"..."
by cocoanutv May 3, 2009
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World of Warcraft. Noun. Tool for destroying your opposition.
Fred was making me look bad at work by working too hard and being entirely too successful for his own good, so I gave him a free copy of World of Warcraft and a six months subscription. Mwahahaha!
by Getterix the Night Elf April 28, 2007
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A mmorpg that seems to be attracting alot of controversy these days. Apparently addictive, but only if you have the will-power of a pet rock. Has a 15 dollar monthly fee, which is chump change if you're actually out of grade school and have a job. Even a minimum wage one will do. Contrary to popular beliefs, it is possible to carry on a normal life while actively playing this game. You can even reach the maximum level, because the game is so fast paced. Truly one of the best games ever if you are into online gaming and role playing strategy games.
"Hey man, you wanna play WoW for a while? I got some time to kill."

"Nah, I can't right now, I'm going to the gym with Jen in a few minutes. Have fun though"
by David March 26, 2005
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I could of banged the chick, but i decided to go play 4 straight days of World of Warcraft
by a...person July 30, 2010
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1. An online computer game in which you design your character either from the horde or the alliance then play to become level 60 which is the highest level.

2. An escape for most people from the toils of the real world offering them a sense of relaxation.

3. A friendship killer.
1. "Dude...I'm gonna go play some World of Warcraft!"

2. "God I can't wait to get home from my shitty school and play some WoW."

3. "You never talk to me anymore because you are always on WoW."

"I don't give a fuck woman! Now stop bothering me while I am doing an instance!
by Crazy Pan August 13, 2006
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a place where no one has ever seen a girl and they all spell with extreme AIM abbreviations

~guy on WoW~ ima gona head 2 goldshire now

(he see's a girl night elf dancing)

~guy on WoW whispers her~ i bet ur totally a guy
~girl on WoW~ umm, no im not...
~guy on WoW~ OMFG WUT? @#$%^$@!@ will u plz be my girlfriend i like u ur so hot

(lmao im a girl who played warcraft and i had this experience like 10 times!!!)
by someonewrotethisyeah. June 28, 2009
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A second job you pay for.
Normal Person: Hey man, I'm going to go apply for a job and hopefully raise enough money to go on a date with my girlfriend. Need anything while I'm out?

World of Warcraft Addict: Yeah, pick up some more hot pockets and mountain dew. I need some fuel for this raid I'm about to go on.

Normal Person: Will do. By the way, are you SURE you don't want to come with? I'll put in a good word for you. Maybe we could work together.

WoW Addict: Not now, I'm buffing my party members.

Normal Person: Alright... how about that jog I was planning for next week? Want to join me?

WoW Addict: What was that? Sorry, I really gotta focus here.

Normal Person: I'll just head out then...

*normal person steps out, leaving the WoW addict in the dark. alone.*
by SUPER MECHA CHRIST 2.0 BETA September 1, 2009
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