A weed, so powerful, that taking only one hit, will cause you to need a wheelchair.
Man, I got some good shit, it's one hit wheelchair weed.
by i April 29, 2003
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A widely used term for showing respect to your friend in New Zealand
Bob: completes every dare he's ever be asked by Gary

Gary:dude you've done every dare I've asked since we met now I will make you a wheelchair
by The cunt on the dunny February 7, 2019
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Founded by Horace Knowles suggesting attaching a florist’s water tube near the top of a wheelchair by means of Velcro and inserting the real or artificial flower of your choice. It brightens the day not only for the wheelchair occupant, but for everyone they pass.
I can't wait for National Wheelchair Beautification Month.
by h0twh33ls17 July 11, 2011
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You prop both legs (of person in wheelchair), over your shoulders and eat their ass.
I just left the nursing home after giving some old bitty a wheelchair salad.
by BigD1967 February 20, 2021
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A sex act involving a man and a woman, a weight bench, and of course a wheelchair!
Chris said to his co worker matt, "ey! U ever try the russian wheelchair after eating steak and turnips, dude u will remember every moment of it!"

Matt walked the fuck away like a bitch....
by Jack the stool August 28, 2017
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When someone/something gets fucked up really bad or someone/something ankles got this hard broken
Player 1: „Omg bro I just wheelchaired that bozo so hard you won’t believe“
Player 2: „his ankles are broken for sure xD“
by Karl Martin Müller August 31, 2022
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