An easy way to get dumped by your partner. All you have to do is try a UD definition that describes something to do during sex, and they will dump your stupid ass.
“Did you hear that Julie dumped Chad?”

“Yeah he donkey-punched her and she threw him out of the house. That’s what he gets for playing the UD breakup game.”
by Zozothecat December 18, 2019
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When a couple (straight or gay/lesbian) has nasty break up resulting to videos slandering each other, making videos to drag on the situation, contradicting themselves and throwing subliminals at each other on social media.
Kiana and Jordan had a YouTube Breakup Because of how badly their relationship ended.
by Makiyah Jade October 16, 2019
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When you wake up at sadnigga hours between the times of 3-6 am ... possibly even earlier and you get this insane headache wondering why but then you rmb you just got out of a relationship w the person you thought you would be with forever and then not only your heart but also your chest starts to ache in a way that science cannot explain but we all know it exists bc we feel it and you want to cry but you can’t bc your head hurts so bad and you are stuck w pain and the thoughts of what could’ve been... you pop some aspirin but it feels like it’s never ending then yours eyes start to burn a bit bc you just want it to end you just want to sleep in peace but you can’t. You’re just left with a unnecessary amount of thoughts and memories that just keep appearing uncontrollably . It feels like it’s getting worse before it gets better.
I woke up with a breakup headache and I sat there In agony.
by Truthhcentrall July 2, 2019
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A Homophobic breakup is when your partner which is in the LGBTQ+ community finds out that you are a homophobic person.
a - Damn, did they just make a homophobic breakup?
b - Yea, I feel bad for her
by Succhiacazzi Parisi December 6, 2021
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Not being able to touch or look at the penis of a new partner(s) after breaking up from a long term relationship
My PBPD ( post breakup penis disorder ) kicked in so bad that I couldn't give the guy a blowie and had to skip straight to sex
by posting for a friend February 8, 2016
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After a breakup, or fight, one person (usually the petty one who gets upset they got called out on their douchyness) passive-aggressively defines the other's name and people they are jealous. They usually use a profile name for themself that they narcissisticly believe is clever and thinking to themselves "You'll Never Know".

Childishly defining someone as a means to get back at them while avoiding confrontation.

Something an ex does to retaliate against the other because they know the other is too good for them and they have to covertly attack them to sooth their hurt feelings when they themselves are the con artist who took advantage of the other's amazingness.
You'll never know I breakup defined you and him.

Lol, he narcissisticly breakup defined me because he's too much of a coward to own up to his horribleness and passive-aggressively attacking me on Urban Dictionary makes him feel like a big man.
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When you are reading or watching a series you loved, but now, due to unexpected events in the story, the series no longer has the same appeal. Therefore, you quit reading or watching before the end because you no longer have the same love of enjoyment.
"How is that show you were watching?"
"Oh! They killed off my favorite character. The show and I had a series breakup. The show isn't what it used to be. I cannot finish it."
by Vivienne Hawthorn March 3, 2023
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