The true God of War who will lead the 9th crusade and be the king of the crusade that obeys the one whom Vapes the most.
Oh boy, it's swagger souls. Papa, you raised me good.
by AutisticBoy209 January 19, 2019
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A badass big-lipped cat-man from the 1983 Canadian animated film "Rock and Rule", originally designed to make fun of Mick Jagger, but Mick wanted to sue, so Mok was only referred to as "Mok the Magic Man" instead of "Mok Swagger". Mok Swagger was a super rocker, but snapped when he realized his last concert wasn't completely filled (I think the DVD said, one seat was empty, so he got angry). He goes on a rampage and kidnaps the heroine of the film, Angel, and uses her voice to raise Satan from the depths of Hell to rule the world. Of course, the hero, Omar, sings with Angel and Satan is sent back. One of Mok's goons throws him into Hell. He tries to get back onto land, though, but Omar and Angel watch, not bothering to help him as he struggles to climb back up and eventually falls into Hell.
Mok Swagger: "*still trying to climb back up, but slipping deeper and deeper into Hell* The magic of one voice.. one heart.. one song.. but there is.. no.. one! *lets go and falls into Hell*"
by Sheaton August 13, 2011
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The behavior of the jockocracy, especially in High School. Swaggering buffoonery is distinguished from mere buffoonery by the injection of confrontational menace and humiliation into horseplay.
Justin was brilliant but barely 5'4" as a freshman, in other words the ideal victim for the swaggering buffoonery of the jocks.
by Mo Dixley July 17, 2005
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To steal; to copy; to use as one's own; to imitate
Stop swagger jackin' my nifty ideas!
by Harold&Herbert August 8, 2006
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This is something or one which gives off mass amounts of swagger at one time or place.
"Damn he's been releasing a mad amount of exothermic swagger with those bars."
by tepprancey December 15, 2012
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A move in Pokemon, which adds 2 times the attack, but confuses the target
Pikachu use Swagger!
by It's all Kyogre May 11, 2015
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A dick that has overall BAMFness, coolness, and the ability to give fangirls and fanboys boners that go to the rings of Saturn.
See that guy in the red leather pants over there? He has major dick swagger goin on.
by Ari Wolfe April 16, 2011
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