Mick Jagger

The God of All Things Sexual. Also the lead singer of the rock band The Rolling Stones.
Mick Jagger, please, let your full-lipped beauty rain upon my sad, pathetic, worthless life. Enlighten me with your boyish grin and messy brown hair. Let my lowered head hear your sexy voice sing out.

by The Morgan Stone July 23, 2007
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Mick Jagger

The man who dudes must physically resemble to not be kicked to the curb.
"And now, the dudes are lining up cause they hear we got swagger
But we kick 'em to the curb unless they look like Mick Jagger"
by Snowdaylover February 26, 2010
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Mick Jagger

a bit of an ass, but awesome nonetheless. describes a person who is hot but a bit of an ass. also applies to a guy who sleeps with girls who are half their age.

hot beastrolling stones rock lips
that guy is such a mick jagger, don't you think?
that guy's girlfriend is young enough to be his daughter...what a mick jagger!
by the riff girl July 11, 2008
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Mick Jagger

The act of giving an unsuspecting victim a smack in the privates with the back of the hand, resulting in the victim adopting the familiar Mick Jagger stance. Often accompanied by the exclamation "Mick Jagger!"
Watch me as I Mick Jagger that guy at the bar...
by Custardo April 6, 2011
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Mick Jagger

Another name for a pint of lager due to it sounding the same.
"I'll have a pint of Mick Jagger please"
by LanceSmith September 12, 2008
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Mick Jagger

When inserting a candy bar into a vigiana and then proceeding to eat it.
Dude I totally pulled off the Mick Jagger using a Twix bar last night. I really hope she doesn't get a yeast infection.
by jongo November 5, 2012
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Mick Jagger

Slang word in some areas for a lesbian or dyke.
Those girls are such Mick Jaggers!
by TheRedHotSwamis March 26, 2010
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