When playing the game soccer tennis

u call skunks before the game starts.

that means whoevers winning 3 nothing..like a shutout automatically wins. even if ur playing up to 5, win by 2. but some1s winning 3-0...then they automatically win.

Donny D-I call skunks man.

Jimmy C-noooo..no skunks
by cwiseff July 16, 2006
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A girl who dresses like a skank but insists shes punk!
Hey Mike, check out the skunk over there.
by Steve December 18, 2004
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skunking is when you decide to eat spicy mexican food early in the day to force yourself to have diarrhea later on and then you titty fuck a girl and a minute before you cum you shit a line of diarrhea on her chest and then precede to cum a line in the center of the diarrhea so it looks like a skunk.
"dude, last night i totally skunked my girlfriend and we had homemade brownies after."

"I'm gonna find some bitches and go skunking, you guys wanna join me?"
by FATLmetal May 12, 2009
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The action of urinating into another humans anus while they clench it closed to hold the urine in. The party holding the urine then proceeds to crawl on all fours releasing the urine in squirting streams at any nearby person or persons , particularly aiming directly for the leg, back, or head.
1. Kathleen and James are going going skunking at the white house this evening.
2. James Is skunking Sarah!!!
by Ibuddy66 April 11, 2015
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to be stoned and drunk simultaniously
after that 12 pack and fat blunt of haze I was skunked.
by Val Mode March 22, 2005
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You are fucking doggie style. You pull out, jizz on the asshole, pee on top of the jizz, then you let him/her fart and spray it all over you.
You- "Dude, I was fucking this chic last night and I jizzed on her asshole and covered it in piss!".

friend- "What'd she do bro?"
You- "She farted on me man!?!?!?"
friend- "Bro, you got skunked!!"
by Tittypuck December 21, 2010
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