Same as 'oh shit' used for teenagers who do not like to curse in front of the parentals or elders.
person number 1: "We have a math test today."

persson number 2: "Really?! Oh shiz, I didn't study!"
by 143_143:) May 23, 2009
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Only used by stupid white suburban kids that think they now are a thug.
Do you want to go to the water polo game on saturday?

Fo shizzle ma nizzle
by stupid white suburban kid January 7, 2005
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To be the "bomb" or extremely cool. popular. As seen in "Malibu's Most Wanted."
"I'm the shiz-nit"
by Anonymous April 20, 2003
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to be better than the shit and the shite
"Damn diggidy, that new song is the shiz niz. Can ya feel me?"
by coco February 25, 2003
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1. only said by the coolest people around
2. another term for the shit
1. damn that song is da shiz
2. i am da biggest shiz around town.
by bitch March 7, 2005
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Stuff. I want stuff...I want shiz!
Ive got a new blog...send me comments and shiz and i love you forever!
by Andy May April 2, 2006
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Genius billionaire philanthropist who denies he's any of the above. Manages to break things really easily, especially hearts because he can't seem to be able to pick up on signals thrown to him left, right and centre. But when he does pick up, he's got a lot to say. That's how he crashes his car. Shiz "White Dragon" "Dog Breeder" L. Congratulations on two weeks without alcohol.
Shiz L is a Top G.
by adamg0 October 27, 2022
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