The series of Jack Link's beef jerky commercials featuring foolhardy groups of young adults toying with Sasquatch. Said toying almost always ends with the throwing/beating of a member of the group by Sasquatch.
Jack Link's Beef Jerky presents: Messin' with Sasquatch.

Heeeey wanna ride? It's ok. ..Sasquatch approaches car and driver subsequently drives off.. Sorrrrry. We're sorry. ..Repeats.. Sasquatch busts window and throws passenger.

Feed your wild side.
by BobWeaver November 13, 2007
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Friend 1: Have you seen the new Sherlock TV show?
Friend 2: You mean the one with Billingsgate Sasquatch?
Friend 1: Yeah that one!
by Fugginballsnibba January 7, 2020
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a girl with hairy arms and huge knockers that you cannot resist looking, even though she may be an ass troll
Damn girl, you are really a sasquatch sally.
by phenompyrus June 4, 2005
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When you are smashing a chick doggy and notice she has a hairy ass crack (likely a polish chick) and when you are about to cum you reach down, grab a handful and yank causing her to buck in an attempt to hold on for 8 seconds.
My dude, I was smashing your sister last night and noticed she had a hairy ass crack so i gave her the sasquatch rodeo but only lasted 6 seconds.
by Tendercoot July 17, 2019
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A sasquatch is a big hairy beast.
A bum sasquatch is one that lives up your bum.
Examples BUM SASQUATCHES: Bigfoot, The legendary Calum Mcloughlin.
by John Haines November 11, 2007
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When an overly hairy women's vagina is placed on ones chin to give the appearance that one is in a ZZTop cover band.
After running a mile in 90 degree weather, she gave me a sarasota Sasquatch!
by Paper cut my taint February 9, 2012
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When one lathers ones body with pepto bismol and frolics in pubic hair and proceeds to make anal sex on another person, while flailing arms in the air in the style of sasquatch.

p.s. also make sasquach sounds (ie. screaming "ajajajaja").
I totally pink sasquatched this poonsquatch last night
by cramp May 16, 2010
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