a delusional little fucktard (perhaps an ex boyfriend) who is a nonstop nuisance and drama queen who simply will not and cannot go away (attends the same school, workplace, etc.)
A local jackass is with often also feel the need to put a wedge in any relationship they do not like their victim(s) having.

Either everyone or no one will understand how much of a kniving little bitch this person is, hence making them occasionally dangerous and always a motherfucking pain in the ass.
My ex boyfriend is a local jackass who feels the sick little need to harass whoever knows me!!!! FML
That doucheweed is a full time local jackass!!!
by happyunicorn27 September 15, 2014
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an entire feature length film about people behaving stupidly. strangely amusing
hey did you see jackass: the movie?
by GiddyKrissy December 24, 2008
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Personally-insecure male (usually Caucasian) between ages 19 and 29 who over-gels the top front of his short stringy hair, wears MMA attire or "rapper" fasions, tries in vain to talk in street-lingo and has a very tight leash on his girlfriend who hates him (she's often too young). He typically displays his insecurity when a real man comes around by chirping like an irritating little parakeet.
The Peckerwood-Jackass is also a semi-stalker because he will even snoop around his girlfriend's workplace to make sure she's not being hit on by other guys, though he lacks enough heart to confront the other men, he'll just take it out on her when she gets home.
Dana wore too much damn gel in his short hair and always made it a point to escort his 18-year old girlfriend everywhere she went, even while she's walking her dog and stalking her at her job because he was afraid of other guys hitting on her. He's a Peckerwood-Jackass!
by KnightWrite July 6, 2010
A fictional magazine of uninformed point of view. Used as a way of admitting when you have been talking about something that you have no actual knowledge of.
Patrick: The architecture here is really amazing. It's so Romanesque.

Josh: Oh yeah, definitely Romanesque. The pillars are really Romanesque.

Todd: Hey you guys, we should totally write an article on Romanesque architecture. For Jackass Monthly.
by TJDOrlando June 20, 2007
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Someone who is so stupid they start acting like a complete jackass and it gets really annoying
Liz: Some guy on the internet called me a whore and a fucked up bitch because I don't use my real name on myspace or facebook he also said to go screw a horse since I am from Lake Tahoe and that is the south because they filmed bonanza there and that is where cowboys come from

Spencer Pratt is also a jackassed airhead
by browngirlsdonttakebs June 5, 2009
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an award passed around a group of friends for the person who made a huge ass out of themselves.
"jill got the jackass award last night"
by jilldo December 28, 2004
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When an idiotic person is being extremely extra past jackass level.
Hey Ross, stop being a jackass jackal!!
by The12men April 10, 2018
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