"suck it" "how about them apples" "you thought it was this way but it's that way"
Person 1: Hey got any ice cream left?

Person 2: Yeah go check the fridge!

Person 1: Wait there's none left!

Person 1: Yup! Haha hashtag that in your cereal
by zugs May 5, 2020
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A specific type of wanker who constantly uses three hashtags in every Twitter post.
I just can't read Andy's posts. He is a totally a triple hashtag wanker. #completely #a #wanker
by ChiefPoof May 27, 2016
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A way to mock the overused #metoo movement, mostly used by libtard feminists who consider even a simple compliment by a white male as harassment.
Damn, I gave Katie a compliment about how nice her new sneakers looked and she flipped out on me and said I was harassing her. I bet she took to Twitter and Facebook to join the hashtag and the her too's.
by pctv guy August 21, 2018
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Guy: You are such a hashtag abuser.
by Pres. Vante August 3, 2014
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A hashtag abuser is someone who posts a picture on a social media such as Instagram and then proceeds to overload the description with hashtags, which often have nothing to do with the picture itself in an attempt to get more likes.
"Hey man, did you see how many hashtags Stacy used on her insta picture?"

"Yeah bro, she's totally a hashtag abuser"
by shortfilmartist August 3, 2014
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A person who use rediculous hashtag on social media network.
A: Look, Don shows his butt again
B: I saw that, he even hastagged justin bieber

A: Such a hashtag abuser
by Lemonajay August 3, 2014
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