A solid shit that is propelled out of your butthole by a stream of hot diarrhea.
Haley was so mad at the barista she unleashed a Polish Hand Grenade at the bathroom walls.
by kungfumelissa January 17, 2021
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The basic definition of a nuke, but better. Throwing one in the wrong place or area could a chain reaction of explosions causing the universe itself to implode, then explode with the wrath of God
He then threw the Holy Hand Grenade, and killed every enemy in the area, and also blew up everyone and thing the area
by Slimjimninja May 28, 2020
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Robert the Bruce's heart was cut out at his death, he was the true braveheart. His heart was later carried on a crusade to make the crusaders more courageous. It was thrown into a group of opposing soldiers during battle.
by Mcnastyjoel May 16, 2019
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Smashing a closed beer bottle on the ground and yelling FIRE!!!
Jeff got thrown out of the bar last night for throwing several zimbabwe hand grenades.
by ToolHandle December 4, 2017
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A Sexual maneuver in which the typically submissive partner ingests a copious amount of laxatives and mexican food, inserts a buttplug or anal beads and waits until they bloat. At which point the other person needs to shout "FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!" before ripping out the beads or plug rapidly.
Yeah bro I gave that bitch a Lithuanian Hand Grenade, she fucking loved it.
by Amber-Lover69 January 31, 2022
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When you put a fist in a girls ass and vagina. You then spread out your fingers while inside of her and make an explosion noise. While making the explosion noise you pull your hands out as quickly as possible.
I gave that bitch a double hand grenade then dropped her off at the hospital. The doctor said that she won't walk correctly for weeks.
by Brotner July 16, 2017
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When in reverse cowgirl, the man, just before orgasming, reaches through the woman’s legs to grab a fistful of pubes. The man then rips them out while thrusting as hard as possible to launch the woman away, screaming “grenade” and taking cover.
I think Jared’s PTSD is getting worse, he keeps doing hillbilly hand grenades and crying afterward.

Susan and I were going at it last night and she asked, “what are we?” I had to get out of there so I did a hillbilly hand grenade and ran.
by shaggybaglord May 30, 2021
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