When you put too much ketchup on your fries and they become soggy
No that's too much ketchup

Now it's a flannel potatoe
by Milly fletcher December 14, 2016
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When a womans vagina goes wrinkly and soggy at the edges (Soggy Flannel).
Max: Her fanny looked like a soggy flannel.
Ethan: Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
by Max Donnanoodles February 27, 2016
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a type of government where each person gets a square of fabric and individualism causes unorganised squares, while together, they are a collective being; a collective flannel
that country is a flannelism!
by the_cernigs March 1, 2011
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The middle aged, disapproving chaperones.
I just couldn't have any fun with the troops of red flannels lining the walls, watching hawk-eyed!
by Mddrs August 15, 2012
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A time of the week when mankind rejoices to both entertain and stun the eyes of those around them.
As Dan awoke on a cool Friday morning, a chill in the air left him with only one explanation… it is Flannel Friday!
by Joshua Bellachow March 10, 2023
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A guy(Cis or trans) that is known to prefer the company of lesbian women for platonic relationships.

Is thought of as the equivalent (counterpart) of a woman who is known to associate with gay males. (Fruit fly)
Why is he always wasting his time with those women, doesn't he know they are all lesbians?

Nah, he knows, he is just a Flannel Fly.
by Flannel Fly 66, LLC March 22, 2017
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