Originating in the Eastern most northern point of Pennsylvania. Term used to describe a person with excess skin on back of the neck.
That’s why I’m taking you for support you fat back bitch.
by Eddy T December 6, 2022
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A slang term for fat bags of cocaine...used on the phone at all times when ordering from the dealer so if the DEA are listening, they wont know what you're talking about. Chances are that they know what it is by now.
Jared: Hey man, what's good with those fat white bitches?

Dealer: How many you want?
by FlickO September 7, 2009
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When a girl has huge fat vaginal lips and it looks similar to a camel toe.
Jade brockaus has a huge fucking camel toe, I can't stand to see it I throw up everytime, that fat twat bitch!!
by Everythingzen March 12, 2015
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a hot man/woman that everyone wants to fuck.
damn i really want to fuck that fat ugly bitch
by Richard Beta Boy January 27, 2022
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