When a dog is startled, and simultaneously farts and barks at the same time.
I turned the corner and scared the sleeping dog. It farked. It was loud and smelly.
by JohnnieVegas July 27, 2017
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She’s beny over the bed and let’s out a loud fark
“Ooo!” He said. “Gotcha” she replied
by It’s-Bradley-bootch August 8, 2020
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The action of when a dog farts and barks simultaneously.
by Philthy58 March 14, 2021
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A word used to replace “f**king” so you don’t sweat as much
When someone gets hurtfark
by haha idk tbh November 22, 2017
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A place where discrimination is prevalent and appropriated. You have no rights there.
"I am from Fark."
by #jibby August 21, 2021
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1) when a drunken red neck gets pulled up for drink driving
2) when you sharted and wanna combine fuck to the word
Cop: sir I am placing you under arrest for drink driving
Red Neck: FARK
by Lockdown303yt July 2, 2019
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To bark and fart at the same time.
by Grunt4kek August 16, 2020
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