When you dont know what someone is chatting about :)
"Puff Ma Sheema?"
by L4 -1 February 20, 2009
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Something a scottish girl says when she is confused. Something to use as a joke.
Example: Its Raining Eh no?
by BANTERLAWRD220 June 26, 2016
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A slang word both SOME American's and Canadian's say but in moderation. People seem to think however that Canadian's say it at the end and middle of every sentence which isn't true.
"It's not too bad out eh?"
by beckie17 August 26, 2007
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An uncanny Canadian ability to turn every sentence into a question.
I saw the hockey match yesterday, eh?
by Lesio December 22, 2006
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a term used when so many drugs are consumed that one cannot say anything but "mmmmmm bee-ehs?" and laugh.
ehhh, your looking wrather be-ehsful today
BEE-EHHHS i got all the money
Beee Ehhhsssssss that is a one fat mutha fukin joint mutha fuka.
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM BEEE-ehhhsssss your tits smell like eggs meahwowowowowow
by TriCityTerrorist February 8, 2007
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That one is beyond great he's EH.

Dude, she's an EH, she ain't just got looks, and brains.
by cheetah greet0 February 22, 2009
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Isn't that the catchphrase for Harry Enflied's Scousers? More proof Little Britain is unoriginal crap, then...
Eh Eh Eh, calm down, calm down!
by OD Smith March 7, 2005
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