The best floor to ever exist in the history of humanity. A miracle happened in the fall of 2021 when by sheer coincidence, the best people on all of the campus were placed on the same floor. This floor was astonishingly good at absolutely everything. The only thing this floor is not good at is modesty because they are great at it!
Eric Hayes:"And the award for the greatest floor 2021-2022 goes to........ Apartments West 2! No surprises there!"
by abcdefff April 2, 2022
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a person who can only be trained to do simple tasks. Typically found living in apartments can sometimes been found in condos, townhouses and even neighborhoods. They're self-absorbed in themselves and think little of those around them, this is most apparent when driving or being a pedestrian. They are not gender or race specific.
That stupid Apartment Monkey just cut across 4 lanes of traffic with no warning.

That apartment monkey just walked right out in front of those cars.
by Anime Noob October 19, 2010
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wtf I missed it by like 2 seconds, I was pulling the meat apart.
by Meat Puller March 1, 2022
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1. Able to leave a mark, sign or scar of sorts.

2. Visibly differs from everything else.
1. My childhood trauma was totally apartible.
2. The evidence for this case is apartible.
by etymologicious July 2, 2023
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So... You can imagine waking up in my apartment huh?
Hym "Because I can imagine you waking up in my apartment... Or getting put to sleep in my apartment..."
by Hym Iam April 5, 2023
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A woman's downstairs area that is waxed or lasered clean.
by Quirkygirl5150 August 5, 2021
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