It’s a stupid joke used by middle school boys who think they’re funny and it literally means “I know you’re gay”. Usually people reply with “I said it’s gay” to say “I’m not gay” but people also get confused about it and don’t know it means gay.
JERRY: What did you say about Minecraft?!!
NATHAN: I said it’s gay.
JERRY: Ok your cool.

JERRY: What did you say about Minecraft?!?
EMMA: What?
JERRY: That’s What I thought.

OWEN: Knock knock.
JERRY: Who’s there.
OWEN: Jerry.
JERRY: Jerry who?
OWEN: Exactly my point.
JERRY: What did you say about Minecraft?!?
OWEN: I said it’s gay.
by pseudonyms don’t confine me October 13, 2018
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1. when you dont know something.
2. when you dont feel like giving a real answer.
John- where you going lisa?
Lisa- Cant say what you dont know?
by Zack E August 5, 2006
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A term that is used when one is making zero sense, and you must prove the point to them that you cannot understand them.
insert person rambling nonsense
L Retard, What Are You Saying? I Can’t Understand You, You Slimy, Dripping Garbage Bag.
by pussypopstar August 2, 2022
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A phrase, origin of which is in Hebrew and now one of the most popular phrase in Israel. It's equivalent to "stop complaining like a baby" but much more cynical.
it's usually used when someone complains about unimportant things.
She: I'm 40, single, ugly and got fired today.
Me: I hear what you're saying and it sounds like Oy Yoy Yoy! I'm so miserable! No one wants me! I'd rather kill myself!
by Burgi March 15, 2005
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a line from the south park episode when butters is a pimp.
kyle: butters, i think we should talk.
butters: well sure, kyle.
kyle: don't you see this is wrong? your getting little boys spending all there lunch money on kisses. it's wrong.
butters: kyle, everyone pays for kisses, do you know what i am saying? if you got a girl, and she kisses you, sooner or later, you're paying for it.
by frontbacksidetoside11 August 5, 2010
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On June 4 of every year it comes time for National Do What Your Boyfriend Says Day. Girlfriends and boyfriends all across the world have to succumb to the pressure and dirty requests from their boyfriends. Wether they want you to buy them food or treat them to other things.. unfortunately you have no say.
Hey girlfriend! It's National Do What Your Boyfriend Says Day. Come over here and let me clap your cheeks then buy me food.
by blondebitch69 April 28, 2020
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