One who goes around town touching random butts for no reason.
"Whatever you do, stay away from Lyle. Word has it that he is a serial butt toucher."
by Punchy McAssface Jr. May 20, 2010
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a person that touches another persons butt
What the crap you seat toucher dusche bag. Touch your own.
by Nichlaus January 31, 2008
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A kid Soundcloud that use to make beats but now raps. Mostly raps with another Soundcloud kid named Lil Clout.
Did you hear Lil Titty Toucher's new hot track he dropped last night?
by imnotreallyheretomakenames October 14, 2017
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Child molester that enjoys touching little boys “pee pee’s”. Also known as a CHOMO short for child molester.
watch out for that guy in the van with a mustache he’s a pee pee toucher.
by BigTony89 March 3, 2020
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a term coined by Jonathan Jokerst that references the male anatomy in a way that expresses it being so big and long that it touches the water in the toilet while sitting down.
"dude did you see Jimmy in the shower after practice?! holy hell i didn't know he had one of them toilet water touchers!"

"Katie can't really sit down today, she said she was with a dude last night that had one of them toilet water touchers."
by Jam Master Joke August 15, 2009
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