Another generic "emo" band created for the sole purpose of bilking millions out of misguided, brain-washed teens who like what they are told to like because they're a bunch of sheep who can't think for themselves.
Brain-washed Teen A: The Used rocks!
Brain-washed Teen B: Yeah! They're a killer band that pretty much just emulates every other commercialized, mass-produced "emo" band and they totally empathize with my "terrible" life of comfort. My parents totally don't understand me, the hot, popular guy at school doesn't even look at me, and even though I'm bulemic and 40 pounds underweight, the popular girls don't like me -- but The Used makes it all better!
by Anonymous Thought-Provoker November 27, 2005
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Used in situations where someone has said, " no u", showing them that everyone's, moms gay, dads lesbian, or grannys a tranny. Usually make the person explode and die, pushing the earth forward 420 cm
Billy: Ur Moms gay

Carl: No U

Billy: No.... US

Carl: *explode and die, pushing the earth forward 420 cm, into mars' gravitational pull\
by BunnyMasta April 30, 2018
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"What are all of use going to be doing tomorrow?"
by Zarisoll May 4, 2020
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Screamo/Emo/Rock band that rox everyones sox
The used is your favorite band deep down inside
by Young Gothic Rocker Chic November 24, 2005
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only the greatest band ever to walk this earth!
Me; So do you like THE USED?
Some Oblivious Nobody: who are they?
Me: only the best band known to....EVER!
by Alex February 9, 2004
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perhaps.... (along with funeral for a friend and MCR), the worst pile of emo wank ever to exist!!... go and listen to some god damn PanterA, any losers who like emo. P.S ... METAL UP YOUR ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
emo loser: OMG!!! im goin watchin "the used"
metalhead: hahahahaha!!!.. you like shit music!
by Ashmondo September 25, 2005
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Karen: "How much did you spend on your bass?"
Joe: $800".
Karen: "Brock's bassist spent $300 on his bass!"
Joe: "Well, his bassist must have bought a really used bass to spend that much on it."
by Karen Stickney August 22, 2006
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