The only thing that kinda rhymes with fire hydrant.
"Anna's egg was by a fire hydrant because her mom is a pyro figent."
by Figent Pyro April 1, 2018
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Someone who watches that faggot pyrocincal
Fuckboi: I DO SUB 4 SUB
Fuckboi3: pyro fag, get laid pls.
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A person who burns all of their multimedia instead of purchasing it legally, be it cds, movies or the likes.
"Alex, yer such a friggin digital pyro. Burnin anything you can get your hands on!"
by David Chance L April 22, 2008
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A subclass of the pyro who mainly uses the neon annihilator (crits if the enemy is underwater) in tf2.
Guy: I feel like playing pyro shark today!
*Half the maps don't even have water*
Guy: Fuck
by July 5, 2022
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Pyro Pilots, people who fly the pyro, a jet from GTA V Online.
Pyro pilots are also extremely gay, most like men. P.S if you fly it your gay (nothing wrong with liking men but you like men)
That dude is a pyro pilot careful, he also likes men
by NekoMikoYe February 4, 2022
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A word used to describe someone who desperately needs to have sex with their partner.
by Daze69 June 24, 2021
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When you're a white, straight male but people confuse you with a lesbian female.
Jeff suffers from Pyro Syndrome since everyone things he's a lesbian.
by Mostwanted2k April 27, 2023
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