a preppy, spiky haired, boy who constantly looks in the mirror in order to make sure he looks good; a pretty boy
Did you see that guy just stare at himself in the mirror?
Yea, what a snowflaker.
by Orangejello Lewis November 8, 2009
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/ euphemism, noun/ A white nationalist who cries about the lack of privilege, based solely on one's skin pigmentation or heritage.
these white nationalists who whine about blah blah blah "takin er jerbs" are fucking snowflakes! Cry me a river Snowflake.
by Do names really mean anything September 15, 2017
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A callous thing to do, but has to be done on occasion. This is the mixing of low quality cocaine with dandruff and psoriasis flakes, which you then chop out to the no-mark who has been hassling you for ".. a bump" all night.
This charlie's been snowflaked!!
by Skirtlifter January 10, 2005
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a pretty thing that falls from the clouds when it snows, not one of them the same

also something conservatives call people who get offended by things that, frankly, everyone should get offended by like purposefully misgendering someone, being blatantly racist/homophobic/etc, and more
"woah look this snowflake is cool"


"smh i just called someone who has she/her in their twitter name a he i can't believe he got offended what a snowflake"
by ben's mop January 2, 2021
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Can be a rule in a chat , no snowflakes in n this chat
by ZebraOnPC August 4, 2019
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Snowflaked is what happens to a person when they have been blocked by a Rad Fem and/or SJW, after a person responds with facts and logic.
Girl: Dude. I just told this crazy SJW that the wage gap doesn't exist, and they blocked me.
Guy: You just got Snowflaked.
by Curve2015 February 26, 2017
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When a black guy doesn't have time for his homeboys anymore, because he is tapping or dating a white girl.
Yo homie I haven't seen u round the block lately, where you been at? Snowflaking
by Cow Tina November 27, 2008
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